Tuesday, October 28, 2008

HTC Touch Phone:

HTC Touch,
Experience the new Sansation.

Let your fingers guide you with the HTC Touch™, the world's first phone to feature intuitive touch screen technology.

Featuring an easy-to-use touch screen and simple user interface, the HTC Touch with TouchFLO™ makes quick dialing, navigation and selection a breeze. Stylish, smart and versatile, it opens up a world of media, communication and social interaction.

Surf the Web with Internet Explorer®, send and receive email from accounts like Hotmail® and Yahoo!®. Chat on Messenger and send photos to your own Web space through Windows Live™.
Optimized for entertainment, the HTC Touch lets you enjoy your favorite music and movie clips through the integrated media suite. You also have the versatility to upload, store and share your media files with microSD™ removable memory.

With Windows Mobile® 6, the HTC Touch also provides instant access to your Outlook® email and the most popular Microsoft® Office applications.

Experience a whole new sensation, the HTC Touch


Feel the difference with intuitive TouchFLO™ screen technology for finger and stylus input

Simple user interface for quick dialing, navigation and launching applications

Surf the Web with ease on the large 2.8" touch screen with Internet Explorer®

Enjoy music and movie clips with HTC's Audio Manager and Windows Media® Player

Chat on Messenger, send and receive Hotmail® and send photos to Windows Live™ Spaces

The Bundle:

HTC Touch Dual Phone with Battery

1 GB microSD card

USB data cable

Battery charger
Headset with microphone

Extra stylus

Software CD


Soft cover

Android's PALM TOP:

Android's PALM TOP:

Unless you’re Google, these look like rough times to launch a mobile operating system.
That puts Palm (PALM) in an awkward position. Things have not been going well for the beleaguered smartphone maker, whose founders arguably kickstarted the smartphone revolution 12 years ago. Eighty percent of its sales come from the troubled U.S. market, its Treo phone has given up market share to the BlackBerry and it has lost buzz to the iPhone.
Profits have evaporated and revenues have dipped to $1.3 billion last fiscal year, from $1.5 billion the previous year. To get back on track, Palm has been promising since April 2007 that it will launch its own much-delayed, Linux-based operating system; it’s now due within the next nine months. (Palm already licenses Microsoft’s (MSFT) Windows Mobile for its corporate smartphones, and would continue to do so.)

But unlike the days when Palm first began merging handheld computers with cell phones, the smartphone field is now crowded with powerful competitors. For its new operating system to succeed, Palm will have to take on Research in Motion (RIMM), Apple (AAPL), Nokia (NOK) and now Google (GOOG) – industry titans who each have their own phone operating systems, not to mention cash war chests far bigger than Palm’s.

In fact, the smartphone landscape has changed so much since Palm forged its software plans, it may be time for a drastic change of strategy. If Android is all it’s cracked up to be, Palm may be better off scrapping its OS plans, and throwing in with Google instead.
This probably won’t happen, because giving up its OS dreams would be a tough pill for Palm to swallow. From the days of its founding more than a decade ago, Palm prided itself on merging hardware and software in fast, simple devices.

It was the software that really helped it stand out – especially the address book and calendar programs that came bundled with each device, and made Palm the king of digital organizers. (I’ve used one for years myself.) Also, Palm management sounds confident that enough of their old base of developers will stick with them through a transition to a new OS.

“Palm has a rich legacy in creating devices that people want and applications that people use, and we’re continuing to do that,” said Pam Deziel, Palm’s vice president of software product marketing, in a statement the company e-mailed to me. “The Palm OS footprint has reached millions of users and devices fueled by a committed Palm community, and this shows in our ability to quickly sell over two million Palm Centros. Developers understand and appreciate Palm’s loyal customer base and are eager to work with Palm as we roll out our new OS in 2009.”
She may be right. But it’s also true that there’s no longer much reason for Palm to roll its own OS. The old reasons – cool factor, pricing power and influence – don’t carry the weight they used to. In fact, they’ve all become reasons for Palm to consider Android.

Take cool factor. While having your own OS can be a great way to stand out (just ask Apple and RIM), it’s not necessarily the only way. Google allows developers to modify Android in any way they choose – so companies like Palm could theoretically customize it with their own look and programs. Palm engineers already have experience doing that sort of thing – they’ve been adding features to Windows Mobile-based Treos for years, trying to make them more user-friendly. With Android, they would have even more freedom to do that.

Then there’s price. Traditionally, owning your OS has been a great way to save money, akin to cooking at home instead of going out to eat. Microsoft is rumored to charge $8-$15 to handset makers who license Windows Mobile, which can raise the retail price of phones by more than $50.

But Android is free, so Palm could sell lower-cost phones loaded with the software without paying Google. While this is a good reason for companies like Palm to license Android (indeed, TechCrunch reported Monday that Motorola is expanding its Android team from 50 people to 350), it could be an even better reason for Palm not to waste time bringing out a competing OS. Why? Palm would need to convince third-party software developers to build software for it, and perhaps convince other handset makers to license it. Why would they rush to do that, when the BlackBerry and iPhone are hot, and Android is free?

Final point, influence. Can Palm make itself indispensable if it adopts someone else’s operating system? Sure it can. These days, an operating system is often less important than the programs that run on it. Rather than spend its limited software resources holding developer conferences and working on software patches, Palm might be better off focusing its engineers on building the next must-have smartphone apps – what contacts and calendar were to the original Palm, what Office is to productivity, and what iTunes is to mobile music. If Palm does it right, it could offer those programs on iPhones, BlackBerrys, Windows Mobile, Android – and make a pretty penny in the process.

Certainly, Palm would be taking a risk by betting on Android. Any embrace of Google would bring the wrath of Microsoft, which could make it more difficult for Palm to produce its most profitable handsets, its Windows Mobile-based Treos. One analyst I spoke with suggested that Palm might get more mileage by threatening to go with Android and wringing concessions out of Microsoft, than by actually doing it. Android itself is also unproven in the marketplace – and that could lead to some unexpected bumps in the road when consumers begin to use it.
But Palm needs bold moves, and it doesn’t have much room for error. Executives have a few months to weigh the costs and benefits of their current plan, and make any necessary changes. In the end, Google’s Android may be the best bet.
Features Specifications:

Mobile phone Palm Treo 650
General network GSM 850/GSM 900/GSM 1800/GSM 1900
Announced 2004,4q
Status available
Size dimensions 113 x 59 x 23mm
Weight 178g
Display type TFT touchscreen,65k colors
Size 320 x 320 pixels
backlit qwerty keyboard
five-way navigation button
Ringtones type polyphonic, MP3
Customization download, order now
Vibration yes
ringtones can be assigned to contacts
Memory phonebook in shared memory, photo call
Call records yes
Card slot SD/sdio/MMC
23MB built-in user available memory
intel pxa270 312 MHz processor
Features os palm os v5.4
GPRS class 10 (4+1/3+2 slots)
Data speed 32 - 48kbps
Messaging SMS, mms, email
Clock yes
Alarm yes
Infrared port yes
Games yes
Camera vga,640x480 pixels, video
HTML Browser
MP3 player
Full pim functionality
Calendar, tasks, memos, world clock
USB hotsynch (cable included)
built-in handsfree
Battery removable, rechargeable li-ion battery
Stand-by up to 300h
Talk time up to 6h


Future PC's

Gates was on TV this morning from Las Vegas. It was really interesting. He says we will have these things in about 4 years.

WOW...looks like Bill Gates was right a couple of years ago when he said "You haven't seen anything yet"

--- whaddya think these are?

look closely n' guess what they could be...


any wild guesses now?

no clue?...

ladies and gentlemen... congratulations! You have just now looked into the future...

yep that's right! no booing now... you have seen something that would replace your PC in the near future....


In the revolution of miniature of computers, the scientists are ahead with Bluetooth technology... See the forthcoming computers within our pockets ..

This pen sort of instrument produces both the monitor as well as the keyboard on flat surfaces from where you can just carry out the normal operations you do on your desktop

Monday, October 27, 2008

Integrated Circuit Fabrication Experience:

Integrated Circuit Fabrication Experience:

Here are some pictures of an IC wafer I fabricated. The large ones are very large, so be warned!
Almost all the devices (pfets, nfets, npn and pnp transitors, resistor chains, capacitors, ring oscillators, etc.) on this wafer worked. The test areas which allow hot-point and four-point probe measurements to be taken at various stages of fabrication are clearly visible in the center; they look like three small squares. In the larger pictures, you can see the University of Illinois symbol in the upper left corner of each die. Circular MOS capacitors are also easy to see, as are the long verticle resistor chains used for electrical determination of the misalignment between layers. If you look around for long enough you'll see that the aluminum forming the top electrode of a few of the capacitors is bubbled and ruptured -- these are the capacitors I destroyed to determine the oxide breakdown strength. Finally, you can see some of the test pads across the wafer used for performance characterization and testing of the circuits and devices after fabrication is complete -- they look like very small, closely packed metal squares.

The individual transistors are, of course, not visible -- I'd need a scanner hooked up to a microscope for that! When you look at a wafer like this under a microscope it is actually quite striking looking; much more colorful than it is here and of course, with many more features than are visible here.

If you want to test how healthy your heart is, spend an entire semester fabricating an IC wafer in the lab for a course, then in the third last lab drop it into the waste photoresist developer container. I did this -- happily, everything still worked; I just had to redo that lithography step. The other lesson I learned is not to to deposit aluminum in two sub-steps (I had a reason for trying this -- I'm not just a masochist). That truly does horrible things to your metallization, presumably because a small amount of aluminum oxide is able to form in the brief time you pull the wafer out of vacuum. The second batch of aluminum you evaporate onto the wafer will then not bond strongly to the aluminum deposited earlier, and will cause major problems during patterning.


Friday, October 24, 2008

Gourmet Girls Lamb Burger Recipe.


3 lamb steaks.
2 onions, 1 chopped, 1 thickly sliced.
2 gloves of garlic, crushed.
Sprig of rosemary.
1/2 bunch Italian parsley, chopped.
4 sprigs mint, chopped.
1 tsp chutney.
1 cup fresh white bread crumbs.
Salt and pepper.
Olive oil.
4 slices butternut (1cm thick).
1 loaf of ciabatta bread (or any favourite bread you have).

Tomato and chilli jam or your favourite relish.


Clean the lamb by removing all excess sinew and fat, chopped as finely as possible. In the mean time sauté the chopped onions and garlic, until translucent. Chop all the herbs and add to the minced lamb, now add the crumbs, fried onion, chutney, garlic and seasoning.

Place the slices of butternut and onions in a hot well oiled pan and fry until browned and cooked through, they should be slightly caramelised. Heat up a pan with little olive oil, shape the well combined lamb mix into flat patties (remember, they shrink and rise on cooking) cook patties until medium rare.

The bread is great slightly charred, and toasty, so rub both pieces with a trimmed head of garlic, drizzle with olive oil, and fry until crisp and browned. You really can go to town with this burger, and add anything you like, houmous, grilled aubergine, rocket, roasted tomatoes and feta.

Now sandwich the patty between the two toasty bread halves, top with jam, fried onion slices and butternut, and a grinding of pepper! No knife and fork! Eat with both hands!

Thursday, October 23, 2008