Tuesday, July 1, 2008



Ready for a strange fact we discovered recently? E-mail has been around since before computers. At first, e-mails were written on rocks and thrown at neighbours.CC-ing a rock e-mail could be dangerousfor an entire village.

These e-mails were written on paper and put in weird paper things called envelopes and the postal system delivered them. This was slow. Finally e-mail as we know it came around. Well, for fun, lets take a tecnological step backwards. Paper E-mail is perhaps the funniest way to pass the messages in your office. Why? Because it will confuse the personyou send it to. These funny notes are great , funny mix of new ideas and old school tecnology. so take a step back in time and find out how floks e-mail other floks in the dark ages. Price Rs:250.for 50 e-mail sheets.

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